Divine love is a state, not an experience. It comes from the very source of existence and is the medium of God. In truth we are not separate from this love and thus not separate from creation. To love creation is to love God. Using an analogy, God is the lighthouse and love is its light whose rays are both omniscient and omnipotent. Connecting with this energy is essential for spiritual transformation. It’s our evolutionary purpose to awaken to love because it provides us with the opportunity for an unconditional relationship with life. It is the search for love that draws the soul back into its physical form. The blessed earth is love’s domain.
Love is overflowing in its abundance and is an endless giving. In its purest form, it has no concern for ‘itself.’ To be really free, one is required to love in this way, without the need for something in return. We are all made in love’s likeness and have the ability to share this light in a myriad of ways. Each one of us has unique skills and a special role to play. In relationship, it is via love that we can communicate our purpose effectively.

Love can be like the nurturing tenderness of a mother for her child, or it can be like a warrior who wields his sword to lay the ego bare. Love's fragrance is always endeavouring to penetrate our being. It may come as a passionate fire or like a shadow in the night. It is the great healer and teacher, empowering us with its gift. We won’t necessarily have to be in a committed relationship to learn about it, although it is the pinnacle of love’s lesson to be there for another. In traditional marriage or relationship, loving woman is man’s love and loving man is a woman’s love. The way that they deepen together is through the act of making love. In doing this, more love is made. Making love reunites consciousness with our senses. Thus, love can continually express itself through the sensual aspects of our being. Not only does it make us feel worthy and acknowledged, but it makes being in existence bearable. Without love, being in existence can be an alienating reality.

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